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the long face
status: complete – in festival contention
writer/director/ editor: nick buggey
producer: kayleigh cruickshank
cinematography: adam galliford
camera op: alistair clayton
flags: corey taylor
location marshalls: emma harnett & ruth warren
horse puppet, props & costume accessories created by
the artists of artworks south yorkshire
costumes: molly limpet’s theatrical emporium ltd
sundown adventureland
richard knight
bob taylor
special thanks to:
katie gammage, harry harrison, paul higgins, holy nolan,
dominika rojewska, shannon sarusi
& michael brown
stranger: elliott king
desperados: andrew brady
chrissie buckthorpe
michael costen
robert marshall
owen packham-shah
length: 7 mins 30 secs
canon 5d
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